GOPET TRANS NORTH MACEDONIA is seeking for a highly motivated Freight Forwarder.
*This role requires good English skills.
The ideal candidate will have:
- Minimum 2 years of experience in the forwarding / transportation field;
- Excellent command of English (oral, written);
- Proficient computer skills of MS Office;
- Organizational and communication skills;
- Team player orientation.
The responsibilities of our future colleague:
- Communication with customers, carriers, shipping agents and colleagues from other Gopet locations in and outside the country;
- Planning and organization of effective transport solutions in accordance with customer requirements;
- Reservations, preparation and verification of transport documents, tracking to the end of the process of unloading;
- Establishing, developing and maintaining contact with our partners;
- Active participation and proposals in the direction of expansion and further development of the business in the Company.
We offer:
- Rewarding salary package, including private insurance;
- Personalized design for a motivating career path;
- A people-centric organizational culture;
- Internal and External training programs.

Ние поддржуваме искрена, отворена и директна комуникација.

Ги охрабруваме нашите тимови да покажат иницијатива.

Ја цениме довербата, лојалноста и почитта во нашиот тим и кон нашите партнери.

Уживаме во работата што ја работиме.

Се грижиме за растот и развојот на нашите луѓе.

Се грижиме за општеството и животната средина.